Even if spouses part ways, family courts acknowledge the importance of relationship building between the child and each parent. Especially in divorce and separation cases, it is beneficial for the child to create a meaningful connection with each parent to ensure the...
Child Custody
Can you obtain a short-term child custody order while divorcing?
As you probably know, divorce disrupts all areas of your life, especially when you share kids. One issue you may face while divorcing is continuing to provide a stable, loving environment for your children. There is no such thing as a short-term child custody order...
Are there two types of child custody?
There are those who believe that child custody is a singular term that essentially defines who gets to be a child’s parent after a divorce. There are also those who will say that you have custody only when a child lives with you and visitation when you see your child...
When might the family court modify custody?
Ideally, you and your spouse will have agreed upon a suitable custody arrangement during your divorce. If not, then the court will have stepped in and arranged something based on the best interests of the child. While such an order is legally binding, it isn’t always...
How social media can impact your child custody hearings
The internet has drastically changed the way that we live our lives. It is now easier to stay connected with friends and family worldwide. One of the most popular ways to use the internet is through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While...
Do siblings ever get split up in a divorce?
You're getting divorced and you have two children. You naturally assume that you and your ex are going to divide custody so that both kids live with one of you and then they switch over to the other house. But then your spouse suggests splitting up the custody between...
Can you share custody of infants and toddlers?
Once your child is old enough to have their own opinions, you will probably feel confident asking for shared custody when you divorce or separate from their other parent. However, when your child is still quite young, you may mistakenly believe that only sole custody...
2 ways to minimize divorce trauma for the kids
Parents who are considering divorce often worry about how their decisions will affect their children. Will they handle the split well, or will they feel deeply traumatized? If you do make the decision to split, it’s important to understand that you can take steps to...
What can you do when your ex doesn’t follow the custody order?
In Illinois, parents who separate will typically share custody. If they don't settle on arrangements that they both agree with independently, the Illinois family courts can issue a custody order that allocates parenting time and other parental responsibilities to each...
How do you balance work and your children after divorce?
Making the transition from a parent who’s married to one who’s single is often challenging. For a parent who’s accustomed to being around for their children, finding a way to earn an income and still meet the child’s needs is usually difficult. Finding the balance...