It seems everything has a label these days: generations, personality types and stages of life. There's also tax season, flu season, pumpkin spice season and holiday season, and now we have divorce season. According to several online sources, the divorce season kicks...
Telling the children that you’re divorcing
Couples planning to divorce who have children may struggle with the challenge of telling them the news. While feeling reluctant about delivering bad news is natural, you need to tell the children before someone else does. You don’t want them to hear about your divorce...
3 questions to ask before seeking shared pet custody
Pet parents preparing for divorce are often very anxious about the process. While those with minor children understand that shared custody is standard, those with shared pets may feel less certain about their rights. Illinois is one of the few states that currently...
How NOT to tell your spouse it’s over
It’s not easy to decide to end your marriage. However, communicating your decision to your spouse can be even harder. How you choose to break the bad news to your spouse can set the tone for the entire divorce process. That’s why there are so many articles out there...
What is a no-fault divorce?
As we grow older, our interests change, and we enjoy new hobbies or spending time with a different group of friends. Along those same lines, couples sometimes drift apart, and no one is truly to blame. Illinois is a no-fault divorce state, but what does that mean?...
Money issues can ruin a marriage
Marriage is a union where spouses must share both the good times and bad. Troubles are bound to arise, but a strong relationship can come through the other side. Unfortunately, some disagreements are just too big to overcome, and a significant number of marriages...
What if my partner refuses the divorce?
If you're seeking a divorce in Illinois and your spouse refuses, you may feel trapped in a marriage you no longer wish to continue. However, Illinois law provides pathways for individuals to pursue a divorce, even if one party is not willing to cooperate. No-fault...
Is there an issue with dating while divorcing?
Once people know you are divorcing they might start to view you in a romantic way. It could be someone you have known for ages, or it could be someone you bumped into for the first time after you or your spouse had filed the divorce papers. Either way, you are free to...
Why is divorce so expensive? The hidden costs
A quick glance at the figures confirms what everybody seems to know to be true: Breaking up isn’t just hard to do, it’s also costly. The average cost of a divorce is roughly $19,458 per couple, according to the most recent statistics. How is that even possible? It’s...
4 tips for building a support system during divorce
Support is crucial when going through a divorce. You need to surround yourself with people who can help you get through the process healthily. However, besides the help you may automatically get from loved ones, you need to actively find or build a social support...