Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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How do you balance work and your children after divorce?

Making the transition from a parent who’s married to one who’s single is often challenging. For a parent who’s accustomed to being around for their children, finding a way to earn an income and still meet the child’s needs is usually difficult.

Finding the balance between parenting and working can be a bit easier when you consider these tips. Remember, the goal is to ensure your child has what they need to thrive.

Hard work is a good asset

You can show your children that hard work is a good asset, but you also need to help them to see that they need to make time for themselves. Dedication is a good trait to have, but you can’t let it overshow needing to take time away from work. By showing your children that you’re making time for them, you’re providing them with a bit of stability that they need.

Look at your schedule

Depending on your type of work and the flexibility you have, you may be able to work out a schedule that enables you to get your work duties done when your children aren’t with you. Taking the time to plan the schedule between your work and your children can be complex, but it’s important that you make time to spend with your child.

One thing that you can do is get the parenting plan set up so it reflects the needs of the children. As you create this with your ex, you need to look into the parenting time schedule. The kids need to have time with both parents, so you should look at the work schedule of each parent and try to ensure the kids have time with them when they aren’t at work.



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