If this is your first holiday after your divorce, you may have a lot of concerns regarding the co-parenting arrangement throughout the season. There are multiple factors to consider, such as attending school programs, family gatherings and holiday travel. While every...
Child Custody
What happens when parental responsibilities become restricted?
Illinois courts do not favor one parent over the other when examining how to allocate parental responsibilities. Instead, they consider what is in the child’s best interests. Although a judge may want both parents to be consistently present in the child’s life, severe...
Talking to your children about custody
Discussing custody and the changes it brings is difficult to have with children. As a parent, your natural instinct is to protect them from any harm. Though you may prefer to avoid discussing this topic completely in order to prevent upsetting your child, custody will...
Can your child choose where they live after your divorce?
Some parents worry that their children will want to live with their ex after a divorce. If you’re thinking of ending your marriage, you may be concerned that this would lead to a loss of connection with your child. You want to share custody with your ex, but you’re...
Who advocates for the child’s best interests during divorce?
Amid the divorce whirlwind, couples may become too caught up in their interests that their child could end up being a secondary concern. For judges to maintain making well-informed decisions regarding the child, a child representative, a guardian ad litem (GAL) and a...
When can an Illinois grandparent petition for visitation?
A grandparent’s love will never grow old. In fact, their love even becomes more evident when they find their grandchild trapped in the middle of a contentious divorce. Unlike parents with fundamental rights in raising and spending time with their child, grandparents...
Which parent makes medical decisions for children after divorce?
In general, parents should be able to address their children’s needs even after the dissolution of their marriage. For this reason, it is crucial that you and your partner discuss matters like who makes medical decisions if your children were to fall ill. If parents...
Which parent decides where a child will attend school?
The decisions that parents make can have a profound impact on the lived experience of children and teenagers. For example, the schools the children attend will determine both the caliber of their education and the social network that they have to rely on later in...
Child custody mistakes you should avoid
One of the most painful aspects of divorce is losing time with your child. In Illinois, the court shall make a child custody determination based on factors relevant to your child's rearing and overall well-being. You should avoid these mistakes if you hope to have a...
What factors affect child custody and visitation in Illinois?
Divorce and separation can be hard on any family. Disputes could cause rifts between parents, affecting their relationship with their children. Because of the potential effects on the children's well-being, the state takes child custody and visitation matters...