Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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What you need to know about mediating a visitation schedule

When parents divorce or separate, it is important for them to work together to establish a visitation schedule that will work for them and their child. Part of establishing visitation includes arrangement for weekends, holidays, birthdays and other significant occasions.

However, though it is ideal for parents to agree on the arrangement in one go, it is common for disputes to arise during the process. In these situations, parents can use mediation to resolve their disagreement to avoid undue stress and anxiety on them and the child.

If you and your coparent are looking into mediating your child visitation terms, here are things you need to know:

Preparing for the process

The mediation process is more than just talking to the other parent. To create a well-established arrangement, you have to gather relevant documents, such as work schedules, your child’s school and activity schedules and any pertinent information that will affect visitation. Moreover, you also have to consider your own schedule and be realistic about the time you can commit to visitation.

Being open to compromise

Mediation works well if both parents communicate amicably. This includes being flexible and open to compromise. Your and your coparent’s willingness to compromise allows for you to have constructive conversations and find creative solutions. Moreover, it helps you reach an agreement faster, allowing you to save time, money and emotional resources.

Considering factors that matter most

During mediation, your primary goal should be to arrange a visitation schedule that serves the best interests of your child. With this in mind, you can work with the other parent toward providing stability for your child and allowing them to maintain a healthy relationship with each of you.

In mediating a workable visitation schedule, it is essential for you and your coparent to carefully prepare for the process, embrace compromise and prioritize your child’s best interests. This will allow you to create a fair and flexible agreement, benefiting both you and the other parent while ensuring your child’s well-being.



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