Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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How to solve common co-parenting disagreements

It’s almost impossible for divorced parents in Illinois to co-parent without arguing with their former spouses. However, focusing on the long-term picture and doing what’s best for the kids is so important.

If you’re a parent sharing custody, issues are bound to come up. Following are some of the most common co-parenting disagreements divorced couples face and what you can do to keep the peace.

Different parenting styles

You might be a patient parent, while your ex might be more strict. You might prefer to cook meals with organic ingredients only, and your ex may enjoy fast food every night. As frustrating as the situation might be, remember that your parenting style might not necessarily be better than your former spouse’s. One of the easiest ways to prevent parenting preferences from turning into a problem is to discuss important issues together, such as:

  • Diet
  • School
  • Bedtime

Emotional turmoil that’s ruling the relationship

Emotional turmoil is often a common cause of divorce. Unfortunately, it can also be a common cause of co-parenting conflicts. You might be at odds with your ex, and letting go of past hurts can be incredibly difficult. Remember that if you can’t resolve your emotional problems, your child may suffer the repercussions.

Arguments over child support

Child support payments are used to cover any expenses your child might need. Sometimes, extra expenses may come up. It’s not uncommon for co-parents to argue about the costs required to take care of their kids at different stages of life. If you’re in this situation, remember that you can always request a review of a court-ordered child support order due to changes in needs or income.

No one ever said that co-parenting would be easy. With patience and communication, you can make the experience a positive one for everyone involved.



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