Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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Money issues can ruin a marriage

Marriage is a union where spouses must share both the good times and bad. Troubles are bound to arise, but a strong relationship can come through the other side.

Unfortunately, some disagreements are just too big to overcome, and a significant number of marriages still end in divorce. One of the more common types of marital disputes is financial arguments. How do these arise?

Old habits die hard

Marriage requires spouses to adapt in significant ways. For someone who has been used to being completely independent financially, it can be difficult to pool resources and have open conversations about money.

Many disagreements between married couples arise due to an unwillingness to change old habits. For example, one spouse may not be willing to share information about how much they earn or have saved. Disputes are typically about more than the money itself. They become more about a lack of communication and trust.

Different priorities

There are spenders and savers, and there are people who fit somewhere in between. For many people, money is to be spent living on the moment, buying luxurious vehicles, jewelry and going on exotic vacations. For others, it’s more important to have savings put away for a rainy day and invest in sensible assets.

Neither approach is right or wrong, but it is important that spouses have at least somewhat matching priorities. When spending and saving habits of spouses are too different, this can cause marital disputes.

If you think that divorce may be a possibility, then it’s essential to seek as much legal information as possible.



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