Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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Why an uncontested divorce may be the better option

Divorce does not always have to be hostile, especially if you and your ex-spouse are on good terms and have agreed to go your separate ways. If you can find common ground on contentious issues such as child custody, support, and property division, there is no need for a contest.

Perhaps the biggest beneficiaries of an uncontested divorce are the children who do not have to go through the stress of a battle between their parents. It means that their best interests will take priority, unlike when you are on different sides with your co-parent.

Other benefits include

Here are additional reasons why an uncontested divorce may be the way to go:

  • An uncontested divorce is less expensive and takes a shorter time to conclude. Since you and your ex-spouse agree on the important issues, it means less time in court which translates to minimal legal fees.
  • It is also a private way of handling family affairs since any disputes will be kept away from the public. Remember, divorce proceedings in court are a matter of public record unless they are sealed.
  • Unlike a contested divorce, things are more predictable. You are sure of what you will end up with after the divorce and how the parenting schedule will look. Leaving everything for a judge to decide might come with some nasty surprises.

Protect your rights before and after the divorce

While an uncontested divorce may be the way to go, it is crucial to make the right call on whether it will work for you. Divorce can be an emotional process for all parties involved, but you need to be aware of your rights and safeguard them throughout the whole process. 

Keep in mind that your finances and relationship with the children may be affected post-divorce. Therefore, you need to be careful with all the decisions you make along the way, even if you opt for an uncontested divorce.



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