Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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Tips for fathers (and moms) during child custody negotiations

Fathers harbor a lot of fear over the outcome of child custody negotiations. Many dads in the Elgin, Illinois, region believe that mothers have a better chance of getting a larger share of custody. In this modern world, family courts give equal consideration to both parents before handing down a custody order.

With that said, fathers still worry about not receiving fair time with their kids. However, if you continue getting sucked into fights over child custody, you run the risk of making yourself look bad in the eyes of a court.

Use these tips to improve your child custody negotiations

Before going forward, we want to emphasize that the custody tips below apply to mothers and fathers alike. Anyone who fears the outcome of child custody negotiations can use this information.

  • Keep your children out of your negotiations to avoid escalating your disputes and to protect your children psychologically.
  • Regardless of what is happening with your divorce, be sure to remain involved with kids to demonstrate your commitment.
  • If you live apart from your spouse, create a personal space for your children to show a judge that you are prepared to welcome them into the home.
  • We know it can be difficult, but avoid being combative or disrespectful to your ex during negotiations as your conduct could affect the court’s decisions.
  • Keep records detailing your visitation time to show the court your reliability.

If you have not already done so, consider learning about state laws regarding child custody and visitation time. Taking this step can help you navigate the Illinois family court system successfully.



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