Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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What causes couples to divorce?

At one time, divorces in Illinois required cause; one or both spouses had to provide a serious reason why the marriage should undergo dissolution. Such is not the case in the state anymore as “no-fault divorces” are common. Still, reasons exist for divorce, and several of those reasons may indicate fault.

Some divorce proceedings derive from blatant “at-fault” actions. Few would tolerate an adulterous spouse, so infidelity serves as the reason for divorce in these cases. In addition, physical abuse threatens the safety and well-being of a spouse, and many seek divorce on these grounds. Mental and emotional abuse might also lead to divorce.

However, many couples divorce for no reason other than the two grew apart. Such an outcome can happen after many decades of marriage or relatively recently after the nuptials. Incompatibility factors heavily into the couples growing apart. Differences between the two could center on religion, culture, education, wealth and or politics. Regardless of the incompatibility, the spouses might choose to divorce. In some cases, the divorce may be amicable.

Financial disagreements could create an incompatibility rift as well. One spouse may feel interested in saving and carefully investing money for retirement. The other might downplay the importance of retirement planning. Also, if one spouse mismanages money, runs up debts, takes business risks or becomes involved in gambling, the other spouse may find the marriage untenable. Sometimes, financial disagreements lead to constant arguing, which adds more problems to the marriage.

A divorce comes with concerns about asset and property division, alimony and more. A spouse’s excessively egregious behavior might be a factor in how the court rules. A family law attorney might be able to answer questions about these and other aspects of divorce proceedings.



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