Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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Helping children cope with divorce

Despite the intense and often negative emotions that come with divorcing a partner, for most parents, the wellbeing of their children remains their primary concern. Parents who are divorcing in Illinois can help their children come through the process unscathed by heeding the advice of experts and working to ensure that their children have strong bonds with both parents.

Children will be worried about how the divorce will change their lives. Parents should reassure the children that they did not cause the divorce and couldn’t have changed the outcome. Children also need to know that they can have a close relationship with each parent without feeling like they have to pick sides. Parents should strive to create an open atmosphere where children can share their positive and negative feelings about the other parent without judgment.

Though parents may be ready to cut ties with each other, they will always be a family in their children’s eyes. Parents should make every effort to get along with each other in order to be there for their children. Children want both parents at their school events, sporting events, birthday parties, and holidays. If that isn’t possible, parents should make the arrangements. Children shouldn’t be put in the position of having to choose.

It can seem overwhelming to try to figure out all of the logistics involved in co-parenting after a divorce. Between custody arrangements, schedules, child support, and other issues that arise during divorce negotiations, there is a lot to consider. An experienced lawyer may help with navigating the details of child custody and a parenting plan. By setting clear expectations and guidelines for all issues that involve the children, parents can rest assured that they have done everything possible to help their children come through the divorce without harm.



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