Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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Positive results are seen in states where divorce is easier

Illinois residents may be interested in hearing about research that shows some of the financial benefits of splitting up. January is a busy time for divorce lawyers. There are couples who work to stick together through the holidays and then begin to prepare divorce papers once the holidays have passed. Some experts believe that divorce can be good for certain couples.

Some research shows that laws that make divorce easier and quicker can have unexpected positive effects. For example, in states where either party can file a no-fault divorce, women have more economic clout in the marriage and bring in more income. In states with no-fault divorces, research shows that couples are 8% more likely to both be employed outside of the home. There is also a 5% increase in the number of women who are in the labor force.

Other research has shown that when one spouse can unilaterally file for divorce, there is a 16% decrease in female suicides, a 10% decrease in the number of women murdered by their partners, and a 30% drop in domestic violence committed either by the man or the woman. The ability to unilaterally file for divorce gives women the opportunity to escape from a potentially dangerous situation.

Of course, this is not saying that divorce comes without consequences. Divorce may drain both spouses of money and drain them emotionally. Bitter fights may happen over child custody and property division.

When a person is going through a divorce, they may benefit from the counsel of an attorney. A family law attorney understands the ins and outs of divorce law and may offer their client information on issues like property division, child custody, alimony and other topics pertaining to divorce.



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