Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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How to tell a marriage may be on shaky ground

Getting a divorce can be a life-changing experience. Therefore, it is important that individuals truly want to end their marriages before they decide to get an attorney or file paperwork. Unfortunately, there is rarely a single sign that tells a person that it’s time to get out of a relationship. Instead, there are generally a bunch of subtle indications that a marriage is not likely to work out in the long-term.

For instance, if a couple isn’t having sex, or they don’t have fun with each other, it could be a sign that they aren’t interested in each other. In many cases, a lack of quality time together is caused by resentment or a lack of respect for each other. Talking poorly about a spouse to friends or family members also shows a lack of respect for that person.

If this happens when the spouse is present, it is likely a sign that a relationship is not going to last for much longer. Ideally, couples will feel connected to each other even when they are not physically together. If an individual doesn’t feel that connection to his or her spouse, it may be best to seek a divorce. The same is true if an individual doesn’t cringe at the thought of his or her spouse being with another person.

An individual who is strongly contemplating filing for divorce may want to do so with the help of a legal professional. This may be true even if someone wants to settle the divorce privately via mediation or arbitration. In these types of cases, an attorney may review any deal before it is signed. Legal counsel may also be present during private divorce settlement talks.



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