Ryan Family Law, P.C.
Ryan Family Law, P.C.

Elgin, Illinois

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Want to divorce without conflict? Consider an uncontested divorce

Have you and your spouse made the decision to end your marriage? Are you both already in agreement regarding the terms of a final divorce order and settlement details? If you are ready to move forward with a divorce and believe you can do so without contention or conflict, you may consider filing for an uncontested divorce.

An uncontested divorce is not the right option for every Illinois couple, but it could be the most beneficial choice for you. If there are no remaining disagreements between you and your spouse and you wish to avoid litigation altogether, this might be the optimal choice for your unique situation. Before you make any major divorce-related decisions that could have significant impact on your future, you would be wise to carefully review all of the options available to you.

Basic information about this divorce option

You know that an uncontested divorce is not the ideal option for everyone. It is the best option for couples who are already in agreement on matters pertaining to property division, child custody and financial support. Like a contested divorce, one side will file for divorce, yet unlike a traditional divorce, there is no need for litigation or to ever step foot in a courtroom.

There are many reasons why couples would prefer this option over a traditional, litigated divorce. First of all, it’s a less stressful way to end a marriage, which is helpful for individuals who wish to minimize the negative impact of this difficult process. Other benefits of an uncontested divorce include the following:

  • It generally takes less time to complete an uncontested divorce because there is less paperwork and less complication.
  • An uncontested divorce often gives way to agreements that are more workable, fair and sustainable than a contested divorce.
  • Because of the streamlined and faster process of an uncontested divorce some couples find that it costs less than other divorce options.

You will find great benefit in seeking guidance as you work to protect your interests, even in an uncontested divorce.

Your path to your best future

Divorce is difficult, no matter how amicable two parties may be. Whether you believe that an uncontested divorce is the best path to a strong future or you wish to explore the other options that may be available to you, you have no time to lose. 

When your marriage is over, there is much at stake. You would be wise to take the steps necessary to ensure the full protection of your rights and interests, both immediate and long-term.



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